The Insurance Company Says I Don’t Have a Case
My clients often call me after the insurance company has told them that they don't have a case. The problem is that we all tend to believe the people we talk to because in daily life people usually tell us the truth. I have always felt that these insurance company statements lead many people not to file a case even though they have a legitimate personal injury claim. Please keep in mind that the insurance adjuster does not have your bests interests in mind. The insurance company wants to end your case as quickly as possible. People are often told that they have to give the insurance company a recorded statement about what happened to them. That simply is not true.
The insurance company wants to end your case as quickly as possible. If they can do that by having their adjuster mislead you or look at the facts in their favor, they will do so. It is always best to consult an attorney who has your best interests in mind before you make a decision regarding your personal injury or workers' compensation claim.