Drunk Drivers
In most auto accident cases involving personal injury, the person at fault made a mistake in judging the distance between cars or did not notice something he or she should have noticed. When a drunk driver injures someone, it is because he made the choice to consume alcohol and then put people in danger by getting behind the wheel of a car. This is not just a matter of negligence or failure to use necessary care. The drunk driver has decided that his convenience and desire to drive is more important than the safety of everyone else on the road.
For this reason, Virginia drunk driving accident laws provide a special type of damages called punitive damages. Punitive damages give the jury a chance to punish the drunk driver financially because he drove drunk. This means that in addition to receiving compensation for pain and suffering, lost wages and inconvenience, the injured person can receive additional damages that are solely intended to punish the drunk driver for making the choice to endanger everyone else on the road.
In order to receive punitive damages, you must meet certain legal requirements. Meeting these requirements requires experience and investigation of the facts and circumstances surrounding the crash. At BoobergLaw, we have handled cases involving drunk drivers and have the experience necessary to recover the compensation you deserve.
If you or someone you care about has been injured in an accident caused by a drunk driver, call BoobergLaw today at 804-440-4000 and one of our experienced attorneys will go over your case. We offer free consultations and two locations for your convenience. Our lawyers are licensed in Virginia and South Carolina but they can handle cases throughout the United States, with permission.
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